I think I’m still recovering from our first ever virtual Super Intensive Day last week. Thank you so much to all of you who joined us in our big adventure. We had nearly 800 registrations, almost everyone attended on the day and the feedback has been wonderfully supportive. A special thanks to our partners for the event (BT, Class, Cloudoffis, ASF Audits, BGL, Evolv, Macquarie, Pax Animi and Thinktank) – we always appreciate the support of some of the leading providers in the SMSF industry.

Like many of you I’m learning that there are some good things about doing this kind of thing online. It allowed us to have some excellent guest speakers in Scott Hay-Bartlem, Arthur Favos, Nidal Danoun, Neil Sparks and Bryan Ashenden. While of course I think Heffron has the most amazing SMSF technical team ever, there is no doubt that the quality of our day was enhanced by the insights and experience they shared with us from outside the Heffron bubble.
Being online also meant that our Super Intensive Day was available anywhere at any time which was great for those living and working a long way from our normal live venues.
(I am still disappointed that I wasn’t allowed to ask for ugg boot selfies in the chat though as I suspect many of us are still doing our on line training from the comfort of home.)
Personally I missed the opportunity to reconnect with professional colleagues that I often only see at events like these but I know they will come back soon and I look forward to seeing you in person then. In the meantime, I need to get better at using the chat function on the day!
Of course, one of the great things about using online platforms like we did for our Super Intensive Day is that it’s not over yet. We still have people registering now to watch the recordings and download the papers, flowcharts, client guides and all manner of other useful material. For those who attend every session and sit the relevant knowledge test for each one, there are 18 CPD points on offer until 5 February 2021 – an effective rate of $30 per CPD hour.
And finally, I loved the fact that we could share updates on how our Heffron Super Companion and Heffron Super Toolkit have evolved in recent times. These are two key components of our desire to make Heffron expertise more easily available and cost effective for all our clients. If you missed the videos, make sure you watch them here – Super Companion and Super Toolkit.
So why am I still recovering? Well, another thing I’m learning about virtual events where you run so many sessions is that there are no breaks for presenters. An important “note to self” for next time.
This article is for general information only. It does not constitute financial product advice and has been prepared without taking into account any individual’s personal objectives, situation or needs. It is not intended to be a complete summary of the issues and should not be relied upon without seeking advice specific to your circumstances.