As I wondered what to write for this month’s Meg’s Musings, I looked back over what I said around this time last year. I can’t decide whether it’s frightening or just uncanny that some of the issues that were top of mind back then remain a high focus now.

In July / August 2020, Victorians (Melbournians in particular) were in a tough Covid-19 lockdown. When I started writing this in August 2021, it was Sydney and Brisbane, and now it’s extended up to our head office in Maitland. The best we can say for now compared to last year is that we seem to have finally managed to get our skates on when it comes to vaccinations.
Like last year, August is the time when we start getting serious about the work we’re doing for our Super Intensive Day on 14 October. Thanks to all those who have already registered and for those who haven’t – get a move on and register now. If I can let you in on a little secret – whenever anyone registers for our Super Intensive Day, there is an automated alert created to let us know. It means that we can see new registrations coming through in real time and the regular trickle of familiar and new names gives us extra motivation to make great content. Keep them coming.
As always, we are thinking hard about what’s topical on the legislative front but also in a practical sense to create valuable sessions. We rely heavily on the questions we’re asked as part of our technical support service to know which issues are causing the greatest angst at the moment. From those questions, it would seem that the question of “what do I actually do?” when it comes to incapacity and death are still high priority areas for many of you, so we’ve devoted a session to each.
We know it’s sometimes difficult to know whether you’ll get anything new out of topics like these so you’ll start to see some more information and videos about the various sessions in the coming weeks. We aim to share what we’re thinking about as we do our preparation – hopefully, that will mean you know what to expect on the day. If you have key issues you’d like to see us talk about on any of our sessions (view the agenda here), email us any time at
Perhaps most importantly, we hope to see you (online) on the day – we’ll have great content and a few bits of exciting news about new Heffron services to share.
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This article is for general information only. It does not constitute financial product advice and has been prepared without taking into account any individual’s personal objectives, situation or needs. It is not intended to be a complete summary of the issues and should not be relied upon without seeking advice specific to your circumstances.