At Heffron, we love what we do but we know we can always achieve more when we take something on as a committed team of 70 people rather than 70 enthusiastic individuals working separately. That’s why we decided earlier this year to do exactly that with our fundraising and community work.

Like every business, we’ve always run morning teas, auctions etc to support individual charities important to particular staff but this year we decided to put the effort of the company behind a single cause – the Kaden Centre.
Founded by a longstanding Heffron client, Sue Clark Pitrolo, the Kaden Centre fills a unique gap when it comes to people suffering from cancer or other long term illnesses. It helps those experiencing treatment or recovery with diet advice and exercise programs that reflect their unique needs. The Centre’s oncology exercise physiologists, physiotherapists, and other allied health professionals create exercise programs (carried out at home or using their purpose-built facility), offer information and education, classes such as clinical pilates and much more. The Centre relies on donations to cover 70% of the cost of its services and we aim to help them do that.
You’ll see references to the Kaden Centre on our website, on our emails and at our events. But in the coming weeks you might see them a little more.
We’re getting behind their annual event – Sweat for Survivors – and this is something where we need your help. A number of familiar Heffron faces will be working in teams and asking friends, family, clients and anyone else who will listen to sponsor them to walk 10,000 steps each day in October.
Given all the jokes around the COVID-19 impact on our ability to fit into the work clothes we wore last summer, I expect the timing is pretty good too.
Of course I’m hoping many readers of this post will sponsor my team – if for no other reason than you all know I need the exercise so that I can get back to presenting at live events if the pandemic ever ends. In one of those weird ironies, it turns out I’ll be doing some of my steps in the suburbs around the Kaden Centre itself. Martin (my husband, co-founder of Heffron) will be a client there shortly while he has treatment for jaw cancer. I thought I’d cheat and make him contribute to my step count, but he’s still recovering from surgery. He will just have to do double next year.
Charitable giving is obviously something that’s personal to all of us and I realise that our cause is not necessarily your cause. But we’re hoping for your support on this one - with help from our staff, our clients and the SMSF community we might be able to make a meaningful contribution to the great work done by the Kaden Centre.
Donations to the Kaden Centre can be made here.
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